The water polo player  Anna Timofeeva returned to Khanty-Mansiysk from Tokyo

@OTRK Jugra
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Met Olympians and Khanty-Mansiysk. Early in the morning to Yura's capital the captain of the water polo Yugra team  Anna Timofeeva arrived. It as a part of a national team became the fourth on tournament on water polo. All country with a sinking heart watched a duel from the national team Hungary. In this opposition on a game there were bronze medals of games. There, in two minutes until the end of a match, the goal  Anna Timofeeva returned chances to our command for the third line of a pedestal. But the fate was on the party of the rival, and our girls only the fourth. Today with tears in the eyes the yugorchanka was met by trainers, fans and...
 Anna Timofeeva
Last position: The professional athlete on water polo (ASSOCIATION "BK "KHANTY-MANSI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT - YUGRA")
Petrova Tatyana