LLC "ZapSibNeftekhim" will increase production polypropylene at helps technologies Honeywell of UOP

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Honeywell Int declared that LLC "ZapSibNeftekhim" (enters PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SIBUR HOLDING") will carry out reconstruction of one of the productions in Western Siberia on which technology by Honeywell of UOP C3 Oleflex is used. Reconstruction will allow the Russian companies to increase production is sawn through more than for 8% — to 561 thousand tons per year. It will help to satisfy a growing demand for its derivatives used for productions of polymers. Company provided to UOP the license for technology and will provide services basic design, and also the equipment, catalysts and adsorbents for installation. With...
Rogov Maxime
Leonard Laura
Honeywell UOP
Honeywell Int
PJSC Sibur Holding
Main activity:Production of coke, oil products and nuclear materials
LLC "ZapSibNeftekhim"
Main activity:Chemical production