Roman Starovoyt awarded the adviser for sports Lamonova Eugenia and specialists in mobilization work and

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The governor noted Kursk Region began with rewarding. Roman Starovoyt congratulated the Olympic champion, the adviser to the governor Lamonova Eugenia Lanovova happy birthday. Thanked her for work on development sports in the region and handed over the medal "For Merits in front of Kursk Region" of 2 degrees. Kursk Region were noted by thanks of the governor of specialists in mobilization work. This is the employee of administration Kastornoe district Kozhanova Svetlana, the specialist of administration Medvenka district...
Roman Starovoyt
Main activity:Politician
Tatyana Pashkova
Last position: Therapist (Federal state budgetary institution of health care Yuomts FMBA of the Russian Federation)
Sergei Nikolaevich Fefelov
Main activity:Official
Lamonova Eugenia
Kozhanova Svetlana