Cool gifka "Schwartz watches Eugenie Petrosyants" gains popularity in the Network

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Amusing gifka "Schwartz watches Eugenie Petrosyants" the Young spouse Eugenie Petrosyants showed how plays with the grown-up successor of the humorist to Petrosyan advised to make the DNA test for paternity Amusing gifka "Schwartz the Young spouse Eugenie Petrosyants watches Eugenie Petrosyants" showed how the wife plays with the grown-up successor of the humorist The other day Eugenie Petrosyants published a touching picture on which the successor known in Russian Federation the actor studies the world. Face of the boy to subscribers showed in a profile where they could estimate Vagan's similarity to star parents. Appearance of the tiny son Tatyana Brukhunova from Eugenie Petrosyants...
Eugenie Petrosyants (Eugenie Petrosyan)
Last position: TV host, production director, writer
Tatyana Brukhunova
Main activity:Cultural worker
Helena Stepanenko
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky theater Estrady")
Viktorina Petrosyants
Main activity:Cultural worker
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