In the International educational scientific center of Russian the International round table of foreign graduate students of RGGU ROSSIYSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY INSTITUTE OF HUMANITIES] took plac

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According to the program of carrying out Days of postgraduate study of RGGU ROSSIYSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY INSTITUTE OF HUMANITIES in MUNTs of Russian the International round table "Technology research work of the foreign graduate student was organized: genre of the scientific report". On it participants of a seminar on training of foreign graduate students and competitors to delivery of candidate examination in Russian as to foreign (RKI) acted. In an opening speech of the head of a seminar of Candidate of Philology, the associate professor, professor of chair of Russian Trufanova Valentine it was noted that one of the important directions of language preparation of the foreign...
Vadim Tsarev
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY EATPBANK)
Trufanova Valentine
Sharonov I. A.
Kadyrbaev A. Sh.
Napolitano Marianna