Olympic Games-2020. Free-style wrestling. Gadzhimurad Gazigandovich Rashidov will be overcome for bronze in weight to 65 kg

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On August 7 at the summer Olympic Games-2020 to Tokyo medal events in free-style wrestling in weight to 65 kg will be held. The Russian Gadzhimurad Gazigandovich Rashidov won bronze. Gold was won by Japanese Takuto Otoguro. The Olympic Games-2020 Tokyo, Japan Free-style wrestling of the Man To 65 kg Takuto Otoguro's Final (Japan) – Gadzhi Aliev (Azerbaijan) – 5:4 Fights for bronze Gadzhimurad Gazigandovich Rashidov (Russian Federation) – Ismail Musukaev (Hungary) – 5:0 Daulet Shoraevich Niyazbekov (Kazakhstan) – Badzhrang Badzhrang (India) –...