«Неназываемость» фамилий в Мордовии преодолена!»

@Stolitsa S
Руководитель Следственного комитета РМ Анатолий Ситников — о передаче уголовного дела Алексея Меркушкина в Нижний Новгород и самых громких...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «The capital With — News of Saransk and Mordovia» , more details in our Terms of Service
Youri Medyankin
Main activity:Official
Nikolay Merkushkin
Last position: The special representative of the President on interaction with the World congress of the Finno-Ugric people (President of the Russian Federation)
Yvan Semenovich Gusarov
Main activity:Official
Natalia Pomelova
Last position: Chairman (State Committee of the Republic of Mordovia for youth)
Sitnikov Anatoly