The kayaker Carrington won Olympic Games gold at a distance of 500 meters

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Tokyo, 5 Aug - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The New Zealander Elizabeth Kerrington won a gold medal of the Olympic Games to Tokyo in competitions of kayaks single at a distance of 500 meters. Carrington in the final showed time 1 minute 51,216 seconds. The second place was taken by the Hungarian Tamara Chipesh (%2B0,639), Dane Emma Ostrann Jorgensen (%2B1,557) closed the three of the best. Carrington became the fivefold Olympic champion. Earlier at the Games to Tokyo the 32-year-old sportswoman won gold at a distance of 500 m in a kayak pair and at a distance of 200 m in the single. Also in its asset Igr-2012 and 2016 gold at a distance of 200 m...
Tamara Chipesh
Last position: The professional athlete on rowing on kayaks and a canoe