The Russian Irina Andreev took the 15th place on OI-2020 in rowing on a canoe on 200 meters

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The Russian sportswoman Irina Andreev took the seventh place in a consolatory heat of the Olympic tournament in rowing on a canoe on 200 meters. The Russian with result 48.930 took a final 15th place on the Olympic tournament. In the final first place was won by the representative Hungary Virag of the Point (47,560), the second – Maria Mailyard (Chile) – lag the 0,050, third Nozdreva Helena (Belarus) — 0,525. The Olympic Games to Tokyo started on July 23. At present the national team Russian Federation takes the sixth place in medal offset, having won 14 gold, 21 silver and 18 bronze awards. China (32-22-16) is in the lead. On...