Movie "Lake East. Madness ridge" will present in library foreign literature

@Vechernjaja Moskva
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The All-Russian state library foreign literature of M. I. Rudomino and the Film studio of a name of Gorky on August 14 invite citizens to display of the movie Catherina Yeremenko "the Lake East. Madness ridge". Action is dated for 200 years' completion of expedition of Bellinsgauzen Thaddeus and Lazarev Mikhail. Pioneers Antarctica returned home after two years' travel in August 1821. By name Bellinsgauzen Thaddeus is called scientific station "Vostok". Exactly here the lowest temperature on Earth for all history of supervision — a minus of 89 degrees was recorded...
Bellinsgauzen Thaddeus
Lazarev Mikhail
Lavkraft Howard