Mother Sergei Shubenkov: "The trauma happened in Novogorsk. But he to the last hoped that will be able to leave and run"

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Shubenkova Natalia, mother of the Russian runner Sergei Shubenkov, told about why the athlete acted from the Olympic Games-2020 to Tokyo. "It still echoes of that falling in Rabat in 2019 when Omar Maklaud dropped it. It happened in Novogorsk. But he to the last hoped that will be able to leave and run. But ached and ached very strongly. He as the man clenched teeth, but no treatment helped", – told Sergei Shubenkov...
Sergei Shubenkov
Last position: The professional athlete on easily athletics
Omar Maklaud
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics
Shubenkova Natalia