Caught Koronavirus Byuyyukyustyun's Khatidzhe Tuba Byuyyukyustyun for the second time got to hospital

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The Turkish actress Byuyyukyustyun's Khatidzhe Tuba Byuyyukyustyun for the second time was hospitalized with Koronavirus. The TV series star "In the shadow of lindens" caught on shootings of the project Netflix, Inc. "Alter ego". For the first time hospitalization for Byuyyukyustyun's Khatidzhe Tuba Byuyyukyustyun was not such long. After an extract the actress passed treatment on an outpatient basis. Subsequently she confirmed that physicians found in her an infection. The actress thanked doctors, nurses and admirers for support. Recently Byuyyukyustyun's Khatidzhe Tuba Byuyyukyustyun published a strange picture in which subscribers saw the device for blood transfusion. They...