23:04 three More Kazakhstan officials got to the list of the people which phones could listen through Pegasus

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It is Vladimir Karpovich Bozhko, Sauat Mukhametbaevich Mynbaev and Aset Orentaevich Isekeshev. In the list of Kazakhstan citizens whom could watch with help the espionage software of Pegasus, there were three more surnames: Vladimir Karpovich Bozhko, Sauat Mukhametbaevich Mynbaev and Aset Orentaevich Isekeshev. About it reports the Center for research corruptions and organized crime (OCCRP) in the investigation. According to OCCRP, shadowing them was established in 2018. During this period Vladimir Karpovich Bozhko held a post of the vice-chairman of Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Sauat Mukhametbaevich Mynbaev headed KTZH, and Aset Orentaevich Isekeshev in 2018 was dismissed Akim of the capital and appointed...