The national team of ROC remained the fifth in an all-team competition after the 10th day of the Olympic Games to Japan

@Ves' Sport
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Today, on August 2, to Tokyo (Japan) comes to the end the 10th day of the Olympic Games. 20 sets of medals were awarded. Two medal races in sailing because of bad weather are postponed for tomorrow. Russians added six medals – two serebyarny and four bronze. The national team of ROC in an all-team competition continues to take the fifth place with 12 gold, 21 silver and 17 bronze. Leadership was strengthened by Chinese (29-17-16). The second – Americans (22-25-17), the third – Japanese (17-6-10), the fourth – Australians (14-4-15), the sixth – British (11-12-12). On total number of awards the first – the Americans (64), the second –...