In Cheremisinovo Kursk Region repair library Klykov's name

@TRK "Sejm"
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Parks, cultural institutions and playgrounds. In Cheremisinovo's settlement there are new public spaces. In the area gasification is already fully complete. However in the village there are many problems. For example, lack of roads. Cheremisinovsky Recreation center — a place of an attraction of locals. Last year it capitally repaired according to the state program. Put in order not only a facade, but also internal rooms: […] The post In Cheremisinovo Kursk Region repair library Klykov's name of first appeared on of News Kursk and Kursk Region. Broadcasting company "Seym"...
Rudensky Alexander
Rusanova Lydia
Shashkova Ludmila
Alieva Irina
Verigina Galina