Olympic Games-2020. Long jumps. Darya Klishina will act in qualification

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On August 1 at the Olympic Games to Tokyo there passed qualification in long jumps at women. The Russian sportswoman Darya Klishina did not pass in the final. The first two attempts Darya Klishina were not included because of a spade. During the third attempt it interrupted running start because of an injury of a foot. Olympic Games-2020 Tokyo, Japan Track and field athletics Long jumps of the Woman Kvalifikation 1. Ivana Shpanovich (Serbia) – 7,00 2. Malayka Mikhambo (Germany) – 6,98 3. Britney Rees (United States of America) –...
Darya Klishina
Last position: The professional athlete on long jumps
Ivana Shpanovich
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics
Малайка Михамбо
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics