Triathletes United Kingdom won the Olympic gold in the mixed relay

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Getty Images photo on July 31, Tokyo / BELTA/Correspondent. Triathletes United Kingdom won gold in the mixed relay at the Olympic Games to Tokyo, the correspondent reports Belarusian cable agency "Belta". Lermont Jessica, Jonathan Braunli, State of Georgia Brown Taylor and Yi Alex overcame a competitive route for 1 h 23 min. 41 sec. The second place was taken by Americans. Their time - 1 h 23 min. 55 sec. The French athletes - closed 1 h 24 min. 04 sec. In informal medal offset the Chinese national team now is in the lead. On its account 19 of gold, 10 silver and 11 bronze awards. Japanese go the second - 17-4-7. The third place at a team of United States of America...
Jonathan Kellam Braunli
Last position: The professional athlete on a thriathlon
Lermont Jessica
Brown Taylor
Yi Alex