The British triathletes won the mixed relay on OI, Russians — the 14th

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Tokyo, 31 Jul - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The national team United Kingdom won gold medals in the mixed relay in competitions in a thriathlon at the Olympic Games to Tokyo. British Lermont Jessica, Jonathan Braunli, State of Georgia Brown Taylor and Yi Alex showed time 1 hour 23 minutes 41 second. The second place was taken by the national team of United States of America (%2B14 seconds), closed the three France (%2B0.23). Russians Alexandra Razarenova, Dmitry Polyansky, Anastasia Gorbunov and Igor Polyansky took the 14th place, having conceded to winners of 3 minutes 32 seconds. During passing of the second stage Dmitry Polyansky received the 10-second...