General director Voronezh "Torch" commented on refusal PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY GROUP OF COMPANIES "TNS ENERGO" from club sponsorship

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Director general the Voronezh AFK "FAKEL" Roman Askhabadze commented on an exit from among sponsors of FC of companies PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY GROUP OF COMPANIES "TNS ENERGO". For sports this normal phenomenon, the head at a meeting with fans noted. "I can note that today the club has no debts in one direction. At my subjective view, in "TNS-Energo" there is a certain reorganization, there are certain changes. Unfortunately, company could not prolong with us already developed long-term relations and render to club, we will tell so, sponsor's partner support. I hope, this temporary phenomenon...
Roman Askhabadze
Last position: CEO (AFK "FAKEL")
Eugenie Mikhaylovich Severgin
Main activity:Official
Sergei Borisovich Afanasyev
Main activity:Official
PJSC TNS energo Group of Companies
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Main activity:Culture and sports
Company "Stroyinzhiniring"