The national team of ROC remained the fourth in an all-team competition after the fifth day of the Olympic Games

@Ves' Sport
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Today, on July 28, to Tokyo (Japan) comes to the end the fifth day of the Olympic Games. 23 sets of medals were awarded. Russians in a day added five medals – three silver and two bronze. The national team of ROC remained the fourth in an all-team competition with seven gold, 10 silver and six bronze awards. Leadership the Japanese (13-4-5) kept, the second – Chinese (12-6-9), the third – Americans (11-11-9), the fifth – Australians (6-1-9), the sixth – British (5-6-5). On total number of awards the first – the Americans (31), the second – Chinese (27), the third – Russians (23). About it reports Agency "All sports...