Moving to the Russian offshore interested the largest companies

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A number of the largest Russian companies – PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM", PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM NEFT", PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT", PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ALROSA", "Sibur", "Severstal", Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" and Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB" – became interested in the Russian offshore, write daily business newspaper "Vedomosti" with reference to three sources, familiar with discussion in these organizations, noting that their offers, and also an initiative RSPP on correction of a mode of special administrative regions (Sports arbitral tribunal) are sent to the government. The appendix with conditions businesses is attached to the amendments published in April to the law about Sports arbitral tribunal; representatives offered businesses, for example...
Galina Naumenko
Last position: The partner of tax and legal practice in Russia (PwC)
PJSC Sberbank of Russia
Main activity:Finance
PJSC Gazprom
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
PJSC Rosneft
Main activity:Mining
PJSC Gazprom Neft
Main activity:Mining