Schedule of serial premieres of fall 2021: The 5th season of "Sheldon's Childhood" leaves on October 7

@Kinoafisha Rossii
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series Besides series about the young child prodigy, the television network of broadcasting company "CBS" will present some more new backs-offov, and also project revival "to C.S.I. " The TV channel of broadcasting company "CBS" published the schedule of premieres in a teleseason 2021/22. In a new season on TV channel it is expected not only return of old hits, including new series "Sheldon's Childhood", but also some new releases. One of the main announcements of the future fall is the fifth season of series "Sheldon's Childhood", backs-offa of a sign sitcom "The theory of the Big Bang". The prequel from founders of original series Lorri Chak and Molaro Stephen, telling about youth of the well-known...