The neurosurgeon Rostovtsev Dimitri headed oncology center in Chelyabinsk

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The post was held by the known neurosurgeon In May in Southern Uralsk medical university there were personnel changes – the rector Ilya Volchegorsky conceded the chair to Andrey Vazhenin who long time headed the Chelyabinsk oncology center. Elections did not take place yet, and Andrey Vazhenin is in a position of the acting as. Residents of Chelyabinsk guessed who can get up at the head of oncology center instead of the eminent academician. Today in Minzdrav dispelled an intrigue. The post was held by Rostovtsev Dimitri, the skilled neurosurgeon, the doctor of medical sciences. Until now Rostovtsev Dimitri held a position of the chief physician GKB№6 Chelyabinsk...