The Chelyabinsk theater dolls the love and pigeons"] prepares a premiere of the comedy for the adult viewer\

@MK.RU Cheljabinsk
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Name cult. Comparisons with the movie are inevitable. The intrigue is. And also there is a courage of the director Smirnov Aleksey and courage theaters, which first and while only in the country decided to put "Love and pigeons". Moreover and in dolls. The history loved by the Soviet and Post-Soviet people in performance will be presented by dolls parsley. Their unlimited opportunities will allow to visualize literally as characters lose the heads from love as the head is turned from delight or curiosity round its pivot-center as the hero fails under the earth and right there revives in other place. This parsley is slightly similar on...
Nicholas Aleksandrovich Morozov
Last position: Manager of a musical part (State budget cultural institution LO theater "Na Liteynom")
Smirnov Aleksey
Malyshev Alexander
Petukhova Catherina