Saint Petersburg, cartridges and revolution: there was a dokumentalka about Modern radio station

@Afisha Daily
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On July 10 on yutyyube the premiere of the first part of the documentary film "Wave" took place. The tape is devoted to a phenomenon of broadcastings the 1990th years and Modern radio station history. As scriptwriters and directors of the project acted the chief editor periodical e-edition "Novaya gazeta" in Saint Petersburg Romanov Serafim, the Papers editor Ivantey Elizabeth and graduates of faculty of journalism of Sankt-Peterburgsky gosudarstvenny university, St. Petersburg university or St.Petersburg State University. The premiere is dated for the 20 anniversary from the date of the last air. "Modernist style" NON-COMMERCIAL HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION "SOYUZ ARKHITEKTOROV" the first independent radio in Saint Petersburg. Career of many popular figures of show business began with it. Among them Dimitri Nagiev, Sergei Rost, Sergei Shnurov, Gennady Nikolaevich Bachinsky...