The Olympic champion told that boycotts Diamond league because of a new format

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The Olympic champion and the repeated world champion in long jumps Riz Britni told that boycotts Diamond league because of a new format of competitions. In a season-2021 in starts of Diamond league in long jumps, a triple jump, shot put, javelin throw and a disk the winner is defined by special way. The three of the best after five attempts reaches the final, and at distribution of places on a pedestal only the sixth attempt is considered. In six of 18 cases after introduction of the new rule by the winner of competitions there was an athlete not with the best result. Thus participants of the final...
Ivana Shpanovich
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics
Малайка Михамбо
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics
Riz Britni
Uolsh Thomas