Bagchi Dzhakhit Bagchy: The Shushinsky declaration NON-COMMERCIAL HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION "SOYUZ ARKHITEKTOROV" the evidence of support Azerbaijan from outside Turkey

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"the Shushinsky declaration NON-COMMERCIAL HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION "SOYUZ ARKHITEKTOROV" is the union. It has the same value, as the Karssky contract for Nakhchyvan". The ambassador declared Turkey in Azerbaijan Bagchi Dzhakhit. The diplomat noted that this declaration is the certificate of that Turkey always was near Azerbaijan for protection of integrity, stability, the world in the Caucasus: "Besides, the declaration is the step directed on preservation of stability in the Caucasus, in Kaspiysk the pool. Along with restoration and development Karabakh after a victory stability here will be established, roads and, the most important, the Zangezursky corridor will open...