The unique monograph "History of Kemerovo and Vicinities since the Most Ancient Times before the beginning of the XX Century" presented in Kemerovo Region

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Within anniversary celebrations to the 300 anniversary of discovery of the Kuzbass coals on the area Of Volkov Kemerovo for citizens and city visitors City administration held presentation of the monograph "History of Kemerovo and Vicinities since the Most Ancient Times before the beginning of the XX Century" with participation of authors NON-COMMERCIAL HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION "SOYUZ ARKHITEKTOROV" historians, archeologists and specialists in museum management of FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "KEMEROVSKY STATE UNIVERSITY"KEMGU KEMEROVO STATE UNIVERSITY and FITs of coal and coal chemistry of HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY; POSELOK SIBIRSKY DEPARTMENT REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY, partners of the media project "the History Kemerovo and its vicinities since the most ancient times prior to the beginning of XX in...