Castration for longevity
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Group of scientists from University Region of Otago, New Zealand, and their colleagues from other scientific centers proved that castration of males of sheep, i.e. rams, slows down aging of their DNA. According to researchers, the same is applicable and to males of people, i.e. men. "Both farmers, and scientists noticed long ago that the castrated rams on the average live much more long, than their polnokomlektny colleagues; however it is the first case when someone looked at DNA to understand, whether grows old in this case more slowly and it too" — Victoria Sugryu (Victoria Sugrue), the scientific employee tells University Region of Otago and the leader...
Khorvat Steeve
Giovanni Battista
Fund club "Valday city"
Main activity:Science and education
Main activity:Science and education
University Region of Otago
Main activity:Science and education