All best - to children! Progressive discount

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Leonid Aleksandrovich Kaganov found out that Open joint-stock company "Rossiyskiye zheleznyye dorogi" does such discount to children that it only increases cost, and it is impossible to cancel discount application. In my opinion, it is absolutely ingenious, I quote: News of Open joint-stock company "Rossiyskiye zheleznyye dorogi": to children - is more expensive! Found a marvelous subject: upon purchase the ticket to the child on some trains "the children's discount of DET17" which does the ticket automatically joins... more expensively. At first did not believe eyes, thought, a mistake on a site as the honest person reported in technical support. But during long and confused correspondence to me answered on sense approximately so: 1 . The matter is that on the adult ticket and so goes...
Leonid Aleksandrovich Kaganov
Last position: Science fiction writer, screenwriter, humorist, TV host
Main activity:Wholesale trade