Officials Volgograd Region] obliged to replace a distressful water supply system in the cit

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District court of the Kotovo district of the Volgograd region in claim prosecutor's offices obliged administration Kotovo to replace the extremely worn-out site of a water supply system on streets of 60 years of All-Union Leninist Young Communist League and the World. As Cheredinina Oksana reported information portal "Vysota 102" the senior assistant prosecutor Volgograd Region, the "killed" pipeline was repaired in the last two years because of rushes of 15 times, that is on the average by each one and a half months. Let's remind, earlier Prosecutor's office of the Kotovo district of the Volgograd region carried out an inspection of observance of requirements of the legislation on water supply of inhabitants Kotovo. The distressful site of a water supply system provides with water 88 inhabited and 1843...