Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" GreenBushDC for 5,2 billion rubles] bought data-center </"19"

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Product Razrabotchiki:gdts Enerdzhi of Dat's Groups of a premiere of system: May, 2018 of Technology: TsOD Soderzhaniye2021: Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" GreenBushDC for 5,2 billion rubles 2020 bought data-center: Plans to invest in development GreenBush DC about 2,8 billion rubles 2018: Note Cm commissioning. Also (2) 2021: Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" GreenBushDC for 5,2 billion rubles Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" bought on July 5, 2021 data-center reported about acquisition data-centers to GreenBushDC for 5,2 billion rubles (taking into account debts of the bought companies). The transaction is closed. Public joint-stock company "Mobilnyye TeleSistemy" it intends will use the TsODA GreenBushDC resources under services collocations, own needs communications operators...