Ivana Shpanovich was won long jumps at a stage of Diamond league Still by Malayan Mikhamboivana Shpanovichlegky athletics

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Moscow, 4 Jul - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Ivana Shpanovich won long jumps at a stage of Diamond league in Stockholm. The result of the three of the strongest was determined by the last attempt which Ivana Shpanovich won with result against 6,88 m. Malayka Mikhambo from Germany (the best result - 7,02 m, in the last attempt of 6,77 m), the third – the Ukrainian Bekh Marina - Romanchuk (the best result of 6,79 m, in the last attempt a spade) became the second. The Russian Lukyanenkova Paulina (6,55 m) became the sixth...
Ivana Shpanovich
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics
Малайка Михамбо
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics
Bekh Marina
Lukyanenkova Paulina