«Я и моя семья очень счастливы в Ставрополе»: Олег Кривенко продлил контракт с гандбольным «Виктором»

Также заключено долгосрочное соглашение с лидером...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Notebook Stavropol» , more details in our Terms of Service
Alexander Grebenkin
Main activity:Official
Inal Aflitulin
Last position: The professional athlete on handball (PUBLIC ORGANIZATION SGGK "VIKTOR")
Anton Aleksandrovich Zabolotsky
Last position: The professional athlete on handball (PUBLIC ORGANIZATION SGGK "VIKTOR")
Anton Otrezov
Last position: The professional athlete on handball (PUBLIC ORGANIZATION SGGK "VIKTOR")
Денис Уснидинович Мирзоев
Last position: The professional athlete on handball (PUBLIC ORGANIZATION SGGK "VIKTOR")