Russian Federation redeemed at Slovakia unused doses Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak"

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Russian Federation redeemed at Slovakia an unused vaccine against Koronavirus Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak". About it reports TA3. It is a question of 160 thousand unused doses of Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak". Russian Federation redeemed a vaccine at the same price, as sold Slovakia where the party Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak" arrived at the beginning of March — for $9,95 apiece. Funds to the Slovak party have to be transferred within 20 days after agreement signing. By data Minzdrav, about 10 500 people are vaccinated by the first dose Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak". In the country there were only those vaccines which are intended for the citizens registered on second...