The Krasnodar deputies reported on work in the Moscow residential district

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In the Krasnodar constituency No. 32 the public report of deputies of Legislative assembly of edge and City Council took place. No. 16 Shcherban Ruslan, the first deputy head of administration Prikubansky okrug Kuchmin Alexander, the deputy chief of department of police of the settlement Kalinino Tarabara Youri became participants of action the chief physician of policlinics. As speakers and SPK"Krasnodarsky" addressed inhabitants of the Moscow residential district the deputy Krayevoy parlament Boychenko Oleg and deputies of City Council Natalia Alsheva and Baranov Roman. The deputy of Legislative Assembly Boychenko Oleg told about the measures directed on support...
Natalia Alsheva
Last position: Deputy, chairman of committee on questions of economy, trade, agriculture, business, investment policy and informatization (Krasnodar City Council)
Shcherban Ruslan
Kuchmin Alexander
Tarabara Youri
Boychenko Oleg
Legislative assembly of edge
Government Agency
Krayevoy parlament
Government Agency
Moskovsky rayon