Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) goes on points

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Elvira Nabiullina allowed increase of a key rate to 6,5% Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia), making the decision on a rate in July, will choose from options of its increase in the range from 0,25 to 1 of percentage point, Elvira Nabiullina declared. The market is ready to that the rate will reach 6,5%, analysts tell Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) considers possibility of increase of a key rate at the next meeting, the range of this increase remains wide and makes from 0,25 to 1 percentage point, Central Bank chapter Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) Elvira Nabiullina declared in interview of information agency "Bloomberg". Despite toughening monetary policy (DKP) in...
Elvira Nabiullina
Last position: Chairman (Bank of Russia)
Sergei Romanchuk
Last position: The head of transactions in exchange and money market (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK "METALLINVESTBANK")
Christine Lagarde
Last position: Chairman (YETSB)
Astakhov Dimitri
Polevoy Dimitri
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance
Main activity:Finance
Fitch Ratings
Main activity:Finance