In Chechen Republic there was an earthquake

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In several areas of Chechen Republic there was an earthquake. Earthquake Nozhay-Yurt district felt in the territory, Kurchaloy district and Gudermes district as ChR. In conversation with journalists the head of administration of the Nozhay-Yurtovsky municipal area Aslanbek Gapayevich Muzuruev confirmed information on tremors. According to Geophysical service Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the seismoevent began in 19 h. 50 min. with epicenter in Gumbetovsky district Republic of Dagestan. The magnitude of pushes made 3,6 points. Calls from the population about any destructions in EDDS of these areas did not arrive...
Aslanbek Gapayevich Muzuruev
Last position: Head of administration (Administration of the municipal district Nozhay-Yurtovsk of the Chechen Republic)