How many Bitkoin it is lost irrevocably and why it occurs

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In Costa Rica under mysterious circumstances investor Popesku Mirch which, according to nepodverzhdenny data, 1 million Bitkoin owned died. The destiny of cryptoassets remains to the unknown Odin from early bitkoin-investors Popesku Mirch drowned under mysterious circumstances on the coast of Costa Rica, reports Trustnodes with reference to local Department of judicial investigations (OIJ). Incident happened still on June 23 when Popesku decided to bathe on Playa-Ermos's beach to Province of Puntarenas. In OIJ claim that the victim was the Pole, however, according to unconfirmed data, Popesku Mirch the Romanian. Death...
John Makafi
Main activity:Businessman
Popesku Mirch
Koman Diana
Kotten Jerry
Adamant Capital