Volkov did not reach an UFC belt. The unbeaten Frenchman moved away Alexander Volkov from a way

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Sad night not only for Drago's admirers, but also all domestic sports. Despite comprehensive love of fans to Alexander Volkov, difficult not to admit sad fact: in Drago's UFC lost all fights in which the exit on "titulnik" really was solved. Such was only two. In the 2018th Alexander Volkov Derrick Louis, and in his last year zaborol Kertis Layonell Bleyds knocked out. Cyrille Jaquie Gan with an ideal record 8-0 had to become the third serious test for Russian tyazha in UFC. And again failure... No, in Vegas Alexander did not lose to the good guy (the nickname Cyrille Jaquie Gan — the Editor's note) in fight and in...
Alexander Volkov
Last position: The professional athlete on the mixed martial arts
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Timur Arsenovich Valiev
Last position: The professional athlete on mixed martial arts (UFC)