website "Instagram".com/makeevan 39-year-old Makeeva Anastasia and 38-year-old Malkova Svetlana met in front of chambers. To the actress it became bad after air. Star of the musical "Master and Margarita" and former wife Malkov Roman

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website "Instagram".com/makeevan 39-year-old Makeeva Anastasia and 38-year-old Malkova Svetlana met in front of chambers. To the actress it became bad after air. Star of the musical "Master and Margarita" and the former wife Malkov Roman cannot resolve the general conflict. Malkova Svetlana claims that her ex-beloved does not pay due attention to the children. Now Malkov Roman bring up two sons and the daughter. The eldest son Andrey Nikolaevich Malakhov moved to the father and the stepmother. After long skirmishes in the Network of the competitor met in talk-show studio "Andrey Malakhov. Air". Malkova Svetlana declared that the businessman year and three months did not see...
Andrey Nikolaevich Malakhov
Last position: The co-producer conducting on Russia-1 channel (VGTRK)
Makeeva Anastasia
Malkova Svetlana