Chapter State corporation "Rosatom" congratulated FEDERAL STATE UNITARY ENTERPRISE "INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION COMPANY "RUSSIA SEGODNYA" on the 80 anniversary

@RIA Novosti
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Chapter State corporation "Rosatom" congratulated FEDERAL STATE UNITARY ENTERPRISE "INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION COMPANY "RUSSIA SEGODNYA" on the 80 anniversary - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti", 25.06.2021 Chapter State corporation "Rosatom" congratulated FEDERAL STATE UNITARY ENTERPRISE "INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION COMPANY "RUSSIA SEGODNYA" on the 80 anniversary Moscow, 25 Jun - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Director general State corporation "Rosatom" Alexei Likhachev congratulated FEDERAL STATE UNITARY ENTERPRISE "INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION COMPANY "RUSSIA SEGODNYA" on 80-year anniversary, having noted that agency highly professionally, at expert level and at the same time available language informs to readers the most serious subjects from the world of nuclear technologies. FEDERAL STATE UNITARY ENTERPRISE "INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION COMPANY "RUSSIA SEGODNYA" adequately carry on the traditions put 80 years ago by Sovinformbyuro, and follows the most exacting standards...