Hundred writers in Hills

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Photo: Kolmogorova Julia competitions for the first time were included Into jury at once three representatives of Murmansk Region. Two young polar writers became winners of a prestigious All-Russian literary forum of a name of Gumilev "the Osiyanny word" (16%2B), one of the largest similar in the country. But delivery of diplomas was only the culmination of this holiday which participant I was lucky to become. Three days under the sign of the Word "We Managed to Drop in at Being Closed Doors". So one of participants of a forum told. Really, it took place literally in anticipation of toughening of koronavirusny restrictions. This year...
Maxime Amelin
Last position: Editor-in-chief (CJSC "Obedinennoye gumanitarnoye publishing house")
Alexander Mirzayan
Last position: Musician, composer, poet
Kolmogorova Julia
Ilyich Vladimir
Yagodintseva Nina
Union of writers Russia