Nikitin Vladimir and Aplachkina Svetlana won runnings on 5000 meters in the championship Russian Federation Still the Championship Russian Federation on easy atletikesvetlana Aplachkinavladimir Nikitinlegky athletics

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Moscow, 23 Jun - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Nikitin Vladimir and Aplachkina Svetlana won runnings on 5000 m in the championship Russian Federation in Cheboksary. Nikitin Vladimir won with result of 13 minutes 17,03 seconds. Rybakov Anatoly (13.21,90), the third – Kunts Eugenie (13.33,94) became the second. Aplachkina Svetlana showed time of 15 minutes 56,77 seconds. The second place was taken by Catherina Ishova (15.58,00), the third – Pavlenko Lyubov (15.58,20)...