The forward of "Montreal" Kotkaniyemi scored the 9th goal in a playoffs for career. It is the 8th indicator in the history among players 21 years] are younge
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The forward of "Montreal" Yesperi Kotkainemi opened the account in a match of a semifinal series of the Stanley Cup with "Vegas" (4:1, 3-2). the 20-year-old Finn threw the 9th washer in a playoffs for career. It is the 8th indicator in the history among players 21 years are younger. The champion – Yaromir Yagr with 14 goals. In top-7 also enter Staal Jordane (13), Satter Brent, Renik Geremy (both is on 12), Kuinn Dan, Clark Uendel (both is on 11) and Lemye Klod (10). On 9 washers in the Stanley Cup to the 21 anniversary as Kotkaniyemi, also had at Sidney Crosby, Brian Bellouz, Wayne Douglas Grettski, Mike Modano, Rhoda Brind’ Amora, Tyurzhon Pierre, Fletli Patrick and...