To Kostanay Region made the list of villages and the streets planned to renaming
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To Kostanay Region 4 cities regional are Kostanay, Arkalyk, Lisakovsk, the Ore, 2 cities of district this value – Zhitikara, Tobol, 16 areas, 7 settlements, 516 villages, 130 rural districts, 6155 streets. – From them 585 is 53 villages, 29 districts, 503 streets have ideologically outdated names and demand onomastichesky updating. The majority of ideologically outdated names is concentrated in border areas. In the Denisovsky area – only 36, from them 5 villages, 3 rural districts, 28 streets, Karabalyksk – 29, Uzunkolsk – 34, Maylin B. – 23, Fedorovsk – 21, in the city Ore – 19, – marked out...
Maylin B.
Makarenko A.
Mukhamedzhanov Oral
Shirov Vladimir
Bimaganbetov Kenzhegali