Soccer. Youri Gabovda about withdrawal of Brazilians from "Torpedo": everything that is in this way exaggerated, gives nobody forces, confidence

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The halfback of zhodinsky "Torpedo" Youri Gabovda told Ilyenya Andrey as in team endured parting with technical Brazilians. Only the lazy did not speak before and at the beginning of a season about irreplaceable loss by club of Brazilians of Ramos and Veloso. Sceptics were right? Really, much both spoke, and wrote in the press about it. The team could not but pass all this through itself. Certainly, everything that is in this way exaggerated, gives nobody forces, self-confidence. So moment unpleasant. Thus I will agree: with leaving of children a lot of things in team interactions were lost. With another...
Ilyenya Andrey