N'zonzi, most likely, will pass into "Benfika". Zhoze Mariu dush Santush Mourinho Felish does not see him in "Roma"

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Stephen N’Kemboanza Mike Christopher N’Zonzi, most likely, will join "Benfika" this summer as the free agent, reports O Jogo. The last one and a half seasons Stephen played for "Rennes" as rents from "Roma". According to a source, the head coach of "wolves" Zhoze Mariu dush Santush Mourinho Felish told to the football player that does not see it in the team. the 32-year-old midfielder in turn started looking for options of continuation of career in other clubs. It is noted that "Benfika" with a big share of probability will sign contract with the player as "Roma" is ready to release it without the commission...
Stephen N’Kemboanza Mike Christopher N’Zonzi
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Roma")