In Gorodovikovsk district prosecutor's office demands providing with the educational organizations of general availability and otkr

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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Prosecutor's office of the Gorodovikovsk district of the Republic of Kalmykia carried out an inspection of performance of the legislation when carrying out Unified state examination in 2021 by results of which violations of the law when providing with the educational organizations of general availability and openness of information are revealed. The carried-out monitoring the official sites established the following. MUNICIPAL PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "KIROVSKY SELSKY LYCEUM" information on carrying out Unified state examination and Main state exam are not published on the website. On the official site of MUNICIPAL PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "Gorodovikovskaya of SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 1 of G. Lazarev", MUNICIPAL PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "GMG NAMED AFTER B. B. GORODOVIKOVA" are not placed...