To Republic of North Ossetia-Alania found replacement dismissed to chapter Minzdrav

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To Republic of North Ossetia-Alania the new head of Ministry zdravookhraneniya is appointed. By the decree of the acting the head of the region Sergei Menyaylo to a position of the acting the head of department it is appointed Tebiev Soslan Is banished. "To assign on Tebiev Soslan , the First Deputy Minister of Health of Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, temporary fulfillment of duties of the Minister of Health" — it is told in the decree. Let's remind, earlier Tamerlan Gogichaev , worked in the position only two and a half years chapter Minzdrav. Its reason of resignations is not specified. it is known of Soslane Tebiyev that he is 41 years old, it...